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The experts at Roof Window Outlet (RWO) reveal how adequate natural light can make a huge difference on people working from home.

With more than a third of UK workers now working from home either all the time or in a hybrid scenario, it’s a good idea to make sure your home office is up to scratch. A new study commissioned by Roof Window Outlet revealed that 63% of homeowners in Scotland and the North East believed natural sunlight shining into their home made them feel happier than any other element. Nearly a quarter of people surveyed (23%) said light decor and neutral wall colours made them feel joyful and content while working at home.

In particular, women polled the highest when it came to a craving for natural light, with 56% saying sunlight shining into their homes gave them a feeling of true happiness.

With the known mental health benefits of natural light combined with these poll results, it’s no surprise that one in six people felt accessing additional natural light was the most important focus for their home renovation.

“The survey results show just how vitally important access to light is for millions of Brits,” says Adam Slade, Operations Director at Roof Window Outlet. “There is a far better understanding about the role that light plays in our mental and physical wellbeing and these results really shine a spotlight on that.”

As a home or hybrid worker, the majority of your time is spent at home – whether that’s in your living spaces or a secluded home office. Therefore, it’s crucial that you’re making use of glazing to pour in as much natural brightness as possible. A roof window can be ideal for bringing in natural light, especially if you’ve converted a loft or garage to house your home office.

Top-down lighting is brighter than side-on sunlight that comes through glazed doors and windows. So, a roof window can give you an even bigger boost, helping to improve concentration, focus and your overall mood and wellbeing. As the boundaries between work and home become blurred, it’s an opportunity for people to make the most of this free resource and ensure you’re taking care of your mental health.


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